垂水浩幸 最近の主な文献リスト
- 田頭佳和、豊嶋真司、大原紳司、垂水浩幸、林敏浩:統合ネットワーク将棋支援システム SAKURA ~感想戦支援の実例~、第18回ゲーム・プログラミング・ワークショップ 2013、情報処理学会ゲーム情報学研究会、 pp.44-49 (2013)
- 垂水浩幸:Citation で辿る源流探しの旅~CSCW~、ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌、vol.15, no.1, pp.25-30 (2013)
- 垂水浩幸:大学教育の質保証:香川大学の取り組み -多様な分野の融合型プログラム-、情報処理、Vol.53, No. 7, pp. 690-693 (2012)
- 垂水浩幸:位置情報を用いた Mobile サービス、人工知能学会誌、Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 686-693 (2010)
- 垂水浩幸:ソーシャルメディアと実世界、情報処理、Vol.51, No. 7, pp. 782-788 (2010)
- 山田敬太郎、垂水浩幸、大黒孝文、楠房子、稲垣成哲、竹中真希子、林敏浩、矢野雅彦: ケータイムトラベラー:過去世界の訪問を実現する携帯電話による歴史学習システム、情報処理学会論文誌、Vol. 50, No. 1, pp.372-382 (2009)
- 垂水浩幸:ロケーション・アウェア情報サービス~SpaceTag研究とその周辺、ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌、Vol.10, No.1, pp.5-10 (2008)
- 中畑将吾、中野裕介、佐川裕一、垂水浩幸:RSSを用いた商品情報発信・収集システムの提案、情報処理学会論文誌、Vol. 48, No.1, pp.98-109 (2007)
- 垂水浩幸、鶴身悠子、横尾佳余、西本昇司、松原和也、林勇輔、原田泰、楠房子、水久保勇記、吉田誠、金尚泰:携帯電話向け共有仮想空間による観光案内システムの公開実験、情報処理学会論文誌、Vol.48, No.1, pp.110-124 (2007)
- 垂水浩幸、西原香須美、堀敬俊、松原和也、水久保勇記、西本昇司、楠房子:携帯電話向け三次元仮想都市サービスの応用と評価、情報処理学会論文誌、Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 41-50 (2006)
- Tarumi, H., Nakai, T., Miyazaki, K., Yamashita, D., and Takasaki, Y.: What Do Remote Music Performances Lack?, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (Collabtech 2017), Yoshino, T., et al. (Eds), Springer, pp. 14-21 (2017)
- Morino, Y., Miyazaki, K., Tarumi, H., and Ichino, J.: Comparison of Input Methods for Remote Audiences of Live Music Performances, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (Collabtech 2016), Yoshino, T., et al. (Eds), Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 647, pp.58-64 (2016)
- Tagashira, Y., Tarumi, H., and Hayashi, T.: Network Shogi Environment with Discussion Support after Games, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE 2013), Reidsma, D., Katayose, H., and Nijholt, A. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8253, pp.634-637, Springer (2013).
- Tarumi, H., Akazawa, K., Ono, M., Kagawa, E., Hayashi, T., and Yaegashi, R.: Awareness Support for Remote Music Performance, Proceedings of ACE 2012 (Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference), Nijholt, A., Romãno, T., and Reidsma, D. (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7624, pp. 573-576, Springer (2012)
- Izumi, T., Tarumi, H., Kagawa, E., Yaegashi, R., and Hayashi, T.: An Experimental Live Streaming of an Ice Hockey Game with Enhancement of Mutual Awareness, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (Collabtech 2012), IPSJ, pp.22-25 (2012)
- Tarumi, H., Tsujimoto, Y., Daikoku, T., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takenaka, M., and Hayashi, T.: Balancing virtual and real interactions in mobile learning, International Journal on Mobile Leraning and Organisation, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 28-45 (2011)
- Tarumi, H., Yamada, K., Daikoku, T., Kusunoki, F., Inagaki, S., Takenaka, M., Hayashi, T., and Yano, M.: KEI-Time Traveler: A Virtual Time Machine with Mobile Phones for Learning Local History, Transactions on Edutainment II, Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 5660, pp. 258-281 (2009)
- Matsugi, Y., Tarumi, H., Inagaki, Y., Sakamoto, H., Kida, K., and Shimazu, H.: Plagiarism Prevention by Logging Students' Paper-Writing Activities, in "Supporting Learnign Flow through Integrative Technologies", (Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2007)), Hirashima, T. et al. (Eds), IOS Press, pp.629-632 (2007)
- Kida, K., Sakamoto, H., Shimazu, H. and Tarumi, H.: InfoCage: A Development and Evaluation of Confidential File Lifetime Monitoring Technology by Analyzing Events from File Systems and GUIs, Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2007), Springer, pp. 246-261 (2007)
- Tarumi, H., Yokoo, K., Nishimoto, S., Matsubara, K., Harada, Y., Kusunoki, F., Kim, S., and Mizukubo, Y.: Open Experiments of Mobile Sightseeing Support Systems
with Shared Virtual Worlds, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006 (ACE 2006), ACM SIGCHI, DVD, (2006)
- Tarumi, H., Tsurumi, Y. Matsubara, K., Hayashi, Y., Mizukubo, Y., Yoshida, M. and Kusunoki, F.: KOTOHIRAGU NAVIGATOR: An Open Experiment of Location-Aware Service for Popular Mobile Phones, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3987, pp. 48-63, Springer-Verlag (2006)
- Okada, M., Yamada, A., Tarumi, H., Yoshida, M., and Moriya, K.: DigitalEE
II: RV-Augmented Interface Design for Networked Collaborative Environmental
Learning, Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environment, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning
2003, Wasson, B., Ludvigsen, S., and Hoppe, U. (eds.), Kluwer Academic,
pp. 265-274 (2003)
- Tarumi, H., Morishita, K., Nakao, M., and Kambayashi,
Y.: SpaceTag: An Overlaid Virtual System and
its Application, Proc. International Conference on Multimedia Computing
and Systems (ICMCS'99), IEEE, Vol.1, pp. 207-212 (1999)
- 「グループウェァとその応用」、共立出版、2000 (単著)